
All good zombies would like a Juicy Brain in their stocking.

Tonights live show was rather fun, and went off with a small hitch in the start of it, but overall it went smooth. i think we can keep this up on  Wednesdays!

Tis the season for Zombies, I guess. for some reason they are on the tips of everyone’s brain this past week, so i  figured  we’d put together a nice retrospective and feast upon the gory details. Top that off with a load of lovely crazy links then you have todays show. From Crossbows to Chewing gum, Tetris to Ninjas we cover anything and everything in the geek landscape.

CaffiNation  Live on Wednesday Nights at 11pm Eastern

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Enjoy the show!

Holiday Cruft

Geek Cruft:

Food and Caffeinated Bits:

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Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People!

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