
Shortened Holiday Broadcast, Vacation for your tired earlobes

With the vacation in full swing and the majority of the family visiting done by now we are slowly getting back online. For the past few days my interactions in a virtual sense were supplanted by the sharing of good old fashioned face to face Christmas cheer. As it is our custom every year we made the rounds and are now a spent people. The boy was overall very well behaved and Santa was very good to him.

On tonights show you’ll hear about a few of the more awesome stories to leak through. We have a couple Holiday story holdovers to mention and we’ll let you get back to your family.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. We got quite a few geek worthy gifts and stories to share. But we also have some rather fun news to share. If you don’t happened to follow any other the other social media avenues that the CaffiNation Walks it may be new to you so listen in.

CaffiNation  Live on Wednesday Nights at 11pm Eastern

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Geek Cruft

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