
So we’ll see how long tonight’s show ends up being

I get  sick  every spring. this time it just took a bit longer to get here, and quite honestly I don’t know where it came from. I’m loosing my voice and if there is one thing I like it’s talking! So I’ll attempt to do the show solo tonight, Batman Returns. Because when I hear my own voice inside my head I sound like Batman when I’m loosing my voice, it probably isn’t true for the rest of you listening, but hey let a man dream.

What to Expect for today’s show? Well I have a great rundown of some of the fun things and stories we’ve talked about this past week. You want a primer for the show? Start checking daily to see new content appear, almost as if by magic. be the show is new takes on the content, opinion and bad jokes… how can you pass that up? For tonight we have coffee warming gadgets of the future, pacman’s  never-ending    journey, and a bunch of fun concept pieces

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From the Chief Bean @ The CaffiNation Podcast
“High Octane Caffeine Culture & Technology News”
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The CaffiNation is a Puzzle Piece Production