Booskerdoo Coffee: Diner Coffee! ⋆ The CaffiNation
The fine folks at Booskerdoo Coffee were nice enough to ship a second sample of coffee to me as well. If you missed the first go round, check out the review of Black and Tan, the unbelievable checkerboard roasted coffee, but today’s selection is the Jersey Diner-Style Blend. The beans rolled out of the bag a lovely matte brown. they are a deep mocha color and looked a bit like raw cocoa powder. The phtoo actually adds a bit of shine to them but they were dry without any oil visible. The smell as the bag opened was flat out perfect. With a name like Diner style, and living as close to New Jersey as I do I have a very set image in my head for what true diner coffee. Sadly in diners across the land the true endangered species is GOOD diner coffee. The smell brought me back to drinking coffee with my parents on our way down the shore or back from the beach. Again I rocked the coffee as both an espresso and a Drip brewed. Both methods produced nice coffee, but the espresso was a bit too tart to be really excellent, but that is […]
Paul Muller