Mike Wazowski Pumpkin Carving ⋆ The CaffiNation
I love carving Pumpkins, and this is the time of year I get to show off my favorite designs. Now Pumpkins don’t always end up what they were intended to be. I started this pumpkin as a Cyclops, but as i started to do the eye ym Son yelled MIKE WAZOWSKI! and I had to go that route. This one took about 4 hours, start to finish. The only thing I was upset about was that Mike doesn’t have a nose, and I had already cut it out. That and the horns fell apart while I was cutting them. Oh well I still think it turned out pretty good. The eye is my favorite part. Check out the slideshow of the whole process. I used a steak knife, an exacto blade, and a spoon. Not too shabby
Paul Muller