Teach Coding! ⋆ The CaffiNation
What most schools don’t teach, is how to code. From the bright minds and talented filmakers at, this video sheds light on some of the best and worst kept secrets of empowering kids today. I remember my first coding class. Actually I started trying to learn how to code by reading my dad’s basic books for the Commodore 64. But i never got too far. “Hello World” and some ping pong action. But it opened my eyes. ; draws a square with sides 100 units long FORWARD 100 LEFT 90 FORWARD 100 LEFT 90 FORWARD 100 LEFT 90 FORWARD 100 LEFT 90 It all started to click when i took a seriously awesome class in coding in 6th grade with Logo, and Turtle Graphics I made that turtle DANCE, and I’ve never felt more in control of myself. It gave me strength to do things i never thought i could do. And looking back on that start of things it was practice in the breaking down of problems into steps. And that behind the scenes of any piece of computer art there was a logical set of steps for how to get there. Things suddenly had an endgame! […]
Paul Muller