Times are a changing ⋆ The CaffiNation
The entire internet is built off of interoperability. You post in one place content gets shared elsewhere. I post this article to my blog and it shares on Facebook, Twitter, and several other networks. Or at least it used to. Twitter dropped integration with Instagram a while ago. but there was a workaround. You could use IFTTT (If this then that) to share the post to Twitter with an image. it didn’t help build followers on Instagram but it got the job done by sharing content out there. With Twitter’s recent changes to their API pricing, other companies are dropping support for Twitter or putting it behind a paywall. I’m not in the market to add new subscriptions to my life right now. If anything I’m trying to eliminate subscriptions. I like free services, when they transition to paywall-driven sites I have to draw the line. I’m not getting any revenue by sharing my daily drawing on Instagram and Mastodon. I just enjoy it. the more people who interact with the content the better I feel about sharing it. If someday I get a real commission from posting works online then maybe I would consider upgrading. But for right now […]
Paul Muller