Hey Paul is that you? ⋆ The CaffiNation
How would you like to answer that question without ever hearing it? I’ve been reading a little bit online about a site that proposes to handle mundane conversations as if the bot you create was you. Useful for dating sites, meet and greets, business contacts etc. They propose the ability to have dynamic FAQS, available through this service. Have your companies personnel questions handled by a CyberTwin. A neat concept to say the least, especially for the dating crowd, which I wanted to throw out there I’m not in. Now site avatars are nothing new, in fact there are even ones that have digital face facsimiles to go with the verbiage you type. A virtual conversation with something that looks straight out of A Scanner Darkly. But that is not this site. The virtual avatar craze has even reached out tonon sentient machines, look at what my Xbox 360 has to say about me. Freaky. And if Barbie Horse adventures shows up on the play list its not me, really. Rather than having a profile you fill out it allows you to teach the bot to answer as you would, a process that I have still not completed. So […]
Paul Muller