So 2010, peace out ⋆ The CaffiNation
So as you may have guessed I took a break for the Holidays. It wasn’t planned per say, but it sort of just happened. Family time happened and I feel much better for having taken the time to rock out with the Family, play some good video games and enjoy some great coffee. I only checked in to social media channels sparingly, and even let my email get horribly out of control. 2010 has for a good portion of of the time been about change and excuses, on my part. New baby at home, more responsibility all over. But I’m feeling strong, overall it was a great year, and next year is going to be good too. It’s the power of positive thinking baby! Even if you only have this weekend left to enjoy in the holiday break, you could take stock of 2010, look back longingly at awesome things that happened. Or you could look forward to the budding promise of a new year. I’m going to recap a few of high points from the past year on my next show, but i want to know what you out there in Podcast land are looking forward to for the […]
Paul Muller