CaffiNation 145: Enough with the fireworks already ⋆ The CaffiNation
The High Octane world of Technology, Steeped with Coffee . This show sponsored by GoToMeeting Try it Free for 30 days Musical Accompaniment: Podsafe Music Network 3 Blind Mice: Jack and Billy Band’s Site: General Information: This Wednesday at 11:00 PM Grand Central: 215-240-1319. or click call me to the right of this post Begging, no longer beneath me: a plea Fireworks are over… let it go Tech Tid-Bits TDIT. Robert Heinline’s 100th Birthday! Awesome author Floating Solar Arrays, How about clear ones? sides of boats? tops of cars? More power to Him, Thanks Fabrice From Conservation to excess These robots can jump be afraid Robot nonsense Who gave the robots guns? We’re all doomed 7 New wonders, wish I knew about the voting… Paris must have done something that day Segway and a wheelchair go into a room, 9 months later this is born When Nerds do Battle, transformers style Seems like a good idea, but PFA 7 Holodeck ahoy Why should amateur reviewers get short shrift, Shouldn’t everyone get the same treatment CaffeiNated Bits Caffeine Math. The should have consulted the authority first Pickle Pops, Pickle Things you never see… How much money do you have […]
Paul Muller