CaffiNation 252: Fixit what is going wrong and why
Today’s Show: Coffee cans, Wine, nerf, legos, art, knives, watches. —- Sponsored by GoToMeeting, Try it Free for 30 days For this special offer, visit Try GoDaddy Code Pod84 for 10% off —- Our RSS feed had some issues, make sure you have the correct link Tumblr for the back channel links has been awesome thus far Block Party, oncoming vacation I think we have fixed the outstanding issues with the last show. The Feed for the podcast is still very picky so make sure you’re using the correct link. Today’s Show deals with the length and breadth of crazy geek culture and caffeine and food related tid bits. Weary but soaked to the bone with awesome content this episode is the start of a new workflow Tech Cruft Just for fun, vending machine gives a great time for 50 cents Geek Art, get your geek on Now you can bring a knife to a gun fight this makes sense, NES mod the Controller! Bring a watch to a knife fight Linux haters advance the system Lego space elevator Wii Safety manual in Japanese Bring a watch to a nerd fight? IT vs Sales, Nerf Armageddon Soungle, Sound DB […]
Paul Muller