AgroEcology Coffee ⋆ The CaffiNation
Some stories start out as a simple review. get a product, review the product, publish findings. I’m not going to lie, I love getting coffee sent to me to review. AgroEco Nicaraguan coffee did more than teach me how to spell Nicaragua, it opened my eyes a bit. But before we get into the heavy stuff lets clear out the formalities. The light roasted coffee which I received went through the standard taste testing here in the CaffiNation HQ, Grind, French Press and review. Simple and efficient. The fine folks at the Santa Cruz Roasters let me know that this roast was a light city roast, in that it wasn’t as dark as most americans usually drink their coffee. No problem here. This would be a bit lighter than the medium most people see in the stores. Look: The beans look to be a nice deep brown color, with no imperfections or burnt beans in the batch that I saw. they were dry with absolutely no oil on the outside. You can wrap and handful up in a paper towel, and it’s still clean when you’re done. All that being said the coffee varied widely in size in this batch. […]
Paul Muller