Review: Prophecy by Deborah Jaeger - The CaffiNation Podcast
My husband, Paul asked me a while back if I wanted to review the book “Prophecy.” I was a little hesitant at first because I am not a big reader. He forwarded me the synopsis and I thought why not? I’m a Catholic and this book seemed to play on a story from the Bible. I should put my 13 years of Catholic school to good use, right? In all honesty, I am not exactly the best Catholic going. I’m more of what you call a “C&E” Catholic – that is, I go to Church on Christmas and Easter. I really have no excuse aside from laziness. Hopefully, one day I’ll get that motivation to get back in gear. But enough about me and on to this book. When I started reading it, while it didn’t exactly spell out that it was going to play on the story of Mary and Joseph, that’s basically what jumped out at me as I read. The book’s idea was interesting. It seemed to bring the ancient Bible story to more modern times. It was definitely intriguing for me to imagine this […]