The One Ring

The One Ring

Oh sweet fancy  Moses, this needs to be mine. It’s  the One Ring. Don’t try and convince me it’s just a  Gold-Plated Tungsten Carbide One Ring, replica. No not that ever. Ignore the fact that this one ring, is available in 5 sizes… and allows...
Hobbit Moleskine Notebooks

Hobbit Moleskine Notebooks

I am a huge Tolkien Nerd / Geek. I’ve probably read the Hobbit about 30 times, and Lord of the Rings about 25. I’ve read the Silmarillion about 5 or 6 and read my kids Roverandom at night to try and get them hooked on the Master early. Seriously though...
Caffination 477: Bringing it

Caffination 477: Bringing it

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSPlaying it fast and loose with technology and coffee news Every once in a while I get a bit down in the dumps about the site, or about the feedback. It didn’t last long this time. I had a friend start asking me...