25 years of Zelda on display

25 years of Zelda on display

When I found out that not only was there such a place called Nintendo World, but to have The Legend of Zelda journey on display, I was close to fainting. If you were unaware of Nintendo World, it is in New York City, 10  Rockefeller  Plaza, to be exact. The whole...
Zelda Playing Cards

Zelda Playing Cards

There have been plenty of wonderful game mashups through the years. Mario Chess, Zelda Chess, The Minibosses whole catalog of music, but i have never seen a more perfect example of how to mash two differernt things together than this. The Zelda playing cards...
Caffination Episode 480: Hoarse Mouth

Caffination Episode 480: Hoarse Mouth

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSo we’ll see how long tonight’s show ends up being I get  sick  every spring. this time it just took a bit longer to get here, and quite honestly I don’t know where it came from. I’m loosing...
Legend of Fuzz

Legend of Fuzz

In an obvious homage to the Legend of Zelda the Legend of Fuzz is a Boutique stompbox / effect pedal for guitars. Complete with the Hyrule crest and a golden tint. I don’t know how it sounds but if it plays half as good as it looks then its going to be pretty...