CuTime Wall Clock by Flussocreativo

CuTime Wall Clock by Flussocreativo

  I love obvious designs. Around my house i have a Hardrive clock. when a device is no longer useful it needs to live on it it has a silent beauty to it. The Cutime Clock is something you can do at home, if you have a blade that is long past it’s usefulness...
CaffiNation 451: Beauty

CaffiNation 451: Beauty

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe’re all here because we’re not all there tonight! By the By that line above is from an Aerosmith song, It just fits me right about now so I’m sticking with it. Things are moving along as they tend...
Plastic Bottle Clothes Hanger

Plastic Bottle Clothes Hanger

Rethink Hanger uses plastic bottles to hang clothes. Imagine cutting down on plastic entering the waste stream and at the same time making something useful for yourself. This contraption allows you to screw two bottles into a plastic hook creating an item thatis in...