So you have an older machine which died. You know you’re not going to have the machine fixed, but there is data you need to save from the now defunct beast. Provided the drive itself is not dead you shouldn’t have a problem getting your old information...
In the continuing series on small ways to make your content pop and turn the design of your site into an asset rather than an issue. Today’s little post is going to pose a couple of small things for you to consider, and general rules that you should try to...
Today we will be taking a look at productivity applications, as a continuation of the Tech in Tough Times Series. Microsoft office is the world standard in business, that is a fact. If your solution to document preparation doesn’t work with office, as seamlessly...
This is the first in a series of articles focusing on trying to get by with a little less. In a time flush with horror stories of job loss and debt it would be ridiculous to think that if something breaks or is a bit old we would just mindlessly push off to buy...