Anybody who has seen Tron, knows the best thing about the movie, other than the graphics, is the “Light Cycle.” Owning a bike that looks that good would cost you a pretty penny, $55,000 to be exact. You would find the gasoline powered “Light cycle” over at Hammacher Shlemmer.

The Tron bike was presented last year, after the release of “Tron: Legacy”. The creation of a real life Light Cycle came from Parker Brothers Custom Chopper. And yes, they are street-legal. The next challenge, is to make an Eco-friendly “Light Cycle.”

Challenge completed. Parker Brothers has accomplished making an electric “Light Cycle”, which coincides with the movie design, better than the gasoline powered bike. Powered by lithium batteries and a 96-volt electric motor, this beautiful creation is able to get a top speed of 100 mph. It is not street-legal at this point in time, but Parker Brothers are doing what they can to achieve that status. They warn you that it will not be able to be used for heavy duty purposes.