Franklin, Tn. Juston Pope and Patrick Landrum sit in front of a Domino's Pizza slated to be bulldozed as part of a recent resurgence in battlefield preservation in the area
I love history, both for its reality, and for its permanence. it has a habit of reminding people where they came from, and bringing current problems into a harsher light.
The most interesting thing about history is that no matter where you are standing right now, wherever you might be sitting at this moment, a hundred years ago the landscape was probably quite different. What were people doing where you are right now, back then?
Historic places need to be honored. Lives lost, and prices paid need to be remembered. Historic re-enactors play out old scripts on current landscapes to remind people of that price. This photo essay is an awesome reminder of what the landscape looked like back in the era of The US Civil War. Powerful images, even more powerful message.
Why They Fight: Civil War Re-enactors and the Battle over Historic Sites – LightBox.