
Welcome to the CaffiNation 048: Lubricated Edition
The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine.

Tech Tid-Bits :—–

TPN Info:—– Tech Podcasts Network Information

  • Head on over to the PodCast Awards Site to vote for and Nominate your favorite shows.. Hint, Hint.

Caffeinated Bits Today:—–

  • Sweet Sweet Liquor: Patron, Thanks to Jeanette and Brady!
  • Grind and Brew working Wonderfully this weekend. Heavy rotation.
  • Belated thanks to my sister Jen, for a wonderful gift right before college, way back when, Everyone needs a glass lined coffee carafe

Music Bits :—–

Requested AirPlay I love this! Today’s Artist is Ethereal, literally. vox

  • Open Call to All musicians. Contact us. If your sound is relatively radio safe send us a note.
  • Ethereal: Persephone
  • Ethereal: Play like Children
Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People! Listen Closely as I reveal the final piece in the Scavenger hunt Prizes await for CaffiNation 050.

This PodCast Brought to you by the Letter C…