
Follow along with us as we talk about: Zoos, Art, Social Tagging, History, Robots, Fish, Coffee, beer

Living in Philadelphia you are constantly surrounded by history, some times you have to look for it other times it is celebrated right in front of you. Its been a great Week here at the CaffiNation HQ, where the family visited the Philly Zoo for their 150th Anniversary, I reported on some fun technology being showcased with The Philadelphia   Museum of Art and we have tons of news both old and new to share with you.

We have stories from the Lego Art world, about robots who swim, and Coffee for eternity. As always please pardon any attempts at humor. The mix on tonight’s show is a pleasant blend of old and new with a dash of nutty fun thrown in. So Please Enjoy the show and Stay Caffeinated!


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Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People