
CaffiNation Halloween Special!
The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine.

This show sponsored by the scariest application to have meetings with GoToMeeting Free for 45 days

Ghoulish Electronic Delights :—–

General Info:—–

Ectoplasmic Concoctions :—–

  • Blood Coffee…
    • 1 tsp of instant coffee
    • pinch of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves.
    • sweeten to taste.
    • 1/2 tsp red cake gel, better color than food coloring.
    • mix with steaming hot water and enjoy.

Music Bits :—–

Music from today’s show is provided by the Podsafe Music Network,

Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People!

This PodCast Brought to you by the Letter C…