If Coffee… is good, and Burgers… are Tasty

What would you make of a Coffee Burger?

I have previously done Form over Function Fridays with pieces of   graphic work, I hesitate to call them art but some seem to enjoy them. This isn’t quite the same but It still fits. What this isn’t is the full on Recipe with hit by hit Instructions but rather an overview article.

Do you want the Full Recipe or the Flickr Set? Click and Enjoy

I love to cook, I have become much better at it recently. And while I might not always mix things which sound tasty I have developed a strong stomach and a willingness to try most food.   This has led to some colossal mistakes, and other just plain misses. At very rare times I come up with a new idea which turns out Fantastic. This is one of those times!

On to the burger. I had been itching to try a recipe with coffee in it for a while. And as per usual I tried something and didn’t take nearly enough pictures the first time around. I tried the Coffee Steak recipe made famous by Bobby Flay with my own different take on it, and when i get a chance I’ll be posting that article and recipe as well. But i was searching for something more so the Coffee Burger came about. Basically its a normal juicy home thrown patty breaded in fresh coffee grounds and chili pepper.

But more than that I think the coffee burger is going to be the start of more cooking and home grown food articles here on the CaffiNation. I’m looking for feedback on the recipes and the idea of adding more food content into stream. Any thoughts?