On This Date five years ago I  undertook  an experiment. I wanted to become a DJ, a radio personality in the new revolution, Podcasting. I had heard others doing it, and I thought I could at least do it that well, if not better. While I might not have set the world on fire in 5 years. I have reached well beyond my limited circle of friends, beyond the borders of the town that I love, and even into Other countries to hopefully entertain, educate and enchant audiences beyond my dreams.

In 5 years I have had more than 350,000 downloads of 467 Episodes. Can’t be too sure because I’ve been on too many stat services. But honestly I never thought I would get past any downloads other than friends and Family. I’ve met some flat out awesome people, who are too numerous to mention, but I’ll be  featuring  them over the next two weeks.

Also over the next two weeks ‘ll be running a giveaway as a thank you to my listeners. If you liked the Tassimo brewbot then now is your chance to own one!

Either Comment on this article, or Email me at Thanks @ CaffiNation.com and ask nicely to be included in the giveaway. ;-) The Deadline is January 25th. Drop me an email. it might be nice if people shared a memory of the show… but no pressure. And thank you agan for listenng to the show. Hope to see you around in the future too!

Here’s to 5 more years!