
I’ve been asked that question several times this morning. Already the hoards of now de-CaffiNation’d people are mounting an offensive offensive, breaking down my inbox.

Admittedly I haven’t missed a show in a long time, And this one will just be late. I usually post a note stating that fact beforehand, but yesterday was a marathon. Suffice it to say that between working on the house yesterday, all day. And running around to see every family member who still lives within 25 miles yesterday, I was tired. More so than any coffee, pill, or caffeine IV could fix. We ran from 6am – 8pm. Counting church, 4 houses 5 meals and one very cranky baby by the end of the day. There was no gas left in the tank. So I beg your pardon and understanding in this matter.

So By the end of today you should have your caffeinated fix for the early part of this week and as always we’ll be back on schedule for Wednesday. Again a   thousan pardons

~Paul Rj Muller

Prepare to be CaffiNation’d once more