Return of the Commodore 64

Return of the Commodore 64

Not in reality, but the form factor is making a comeback. I always loves teh idea that a all in one base unit with an eternal monitor made sense. More often than not in laptops, all in ones, and other compact form factors the display is the point of failure. By...
CaffiNation: Geek Generation

CaffiNation: Geek Generation

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s show was the first guest recording in the Lair. The mother’s day show was the first co-hosted show ever. I have awesome parents Father’s day Mayhem with Paul and Scott Sponsor: Try...
CaffiNation: Geek Generation

CaffiNation 248: Whale of a Tale

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show: Whales, Waves, Lan parties, C64, Pixels, Copters, Duck hunt, Bars, Robots, Mushrooms The Holiday weekend is over and we now stare down the long hot barrel of the summer stretching out in front of...