CaffiNation Reviews: Coffeetime Brew System

CaffiNation Reviews: Coffeetime Brew System

Hot Summer months are now upon us and we have spent no small amount of time talking about the wonder that is iced coffee. I was recently sent a product to review which promises to make the production of Cold Brewed Iced Coffee that much easier. The Ronco Coffeetime...
CaffiNation Reviews: Avitae Energy Water

CaffiNation Reviews: Avitae Energy Water

A short time ago i was approached about reviewing a caffeinated water product called Avitae, pronounced   ah-vee-tay. I jumped at the chance because their hook is that there are no extra flavors or chemicals in the beverage, just water and caffeine. I was intrigued,...
Caffination Reviews: The Manga Guide to Databases

Caffination Reviews: The Manga Guide to Databases

Overall Concept: Its not very often that I get a technical book to come across my desk that makes me smile just from the cover. A Manga Guide to Databases seems absurd, as a concept. Seems overly cute as a book and a cover graphic. But could the concept actually work?...
CaffiNation Review: GoodSync

CaffiNation Review: GoodSync

How many people know the worth of their files? You will only truly know after they are gone. I was recently asked to review a piece of backup software. Siber Systems Goodsync Pro. I have to tell you i was excited by the opportunity because this is one of the areas in...