Pumpkin tetris

Pumpkin tetris

Yeah… I give up for next year already. This is a real live, or carved pumpkin. That plays Tetris via the stem . This blows my mind. And it just play awesome to boot. Now if we can get one to play mario… Now that would one up this… nothing less. Come...
Traditional pumpkin carvings

Traditional pumpkin carvings

This year we are rocking out the traditional pumpkin shapes. With time being limited I would rather have two clean looking pumpkin ghouls. Not too shabby for 25 minutes per pumpkin. How do you throw down for all hallows eve? I personally love making a tall steaming...
CaffiNation 460: Spooky Fun

CaffiNation 460: Spooky Fun

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSpooky Tech and Scarier Reality So we have a very dense show tonight, a little on the heavy side with privacy concerns and why a program allowing  amateur  hacking is a good thing in the long run, as well as some...