Caffination Episode 480: Hoarse Mouth

Caffination Episode 480: Hoarse Mouth

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSo we’ll see how long tonight’s show ends up being I get  sick  every spring. this time it just took a bit longer to get here, and quite honestly I don’t know where it came from. I’m loosing...
Legend of Fuzz

Legend of Fuzz

In an obvious homage to the Legend of Zelda the Legend of Fuzz is a Boutique stompbox / effect pedal for guitars. Complete with the Hyrule crest and a golden tint. I don’t know how it sounds but if it plays half as good as it looks then its going to be pretty...
CaffiNation 450: Bright Side

CaffiNation 450: Bright Side

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe’re all here because we’re not all there tonight! Finding the time is not getting easier per say, but rather working with less time and less planned time is getting a bit smoother. I’m guessing i...
CaffiNation 450: Bright Side

CaffiNation 292: Warming Up

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show: Lego, Zune, iPod, Crazy, Walmart, Minfig, GI Joe, Guitar, Tesla Coils, Gadgets, Shopping, Christmas, Holidays —- Sponsored by GoToMeeting, Online Meetings Made Easy Try it FREE for 30 days!...