Tracking you online

According the the EFF, Elctronic Freedom Foundation the House Judiciary committee just promoted and recommended HR 1981, which would require all internet service providers to keep a record of All traffic data for 12 months on each customer. Let me break this down for...
CaffiNation 460: Spooky Fun

CaffiNation 460: Spooky Fun

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSpooky Tech and Scarier Reality So we have a very dense show tonight, a little on the heavy side with privacy concerns and why a program allowing  amateur  hacking is a good thing in the long run, as well as some...

CaffiNation Shots 5-15-2010

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSConsider this the espresso version of your tech news, only the most important, and most interesting content distilled into a lighting quick run down. A bit late for the video to launch, but no less full of news....
CaffiNation 460: Spooky Fun

CaffiNation 311: Productivity

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show:   TOS, facebook, PirateBay, Privacy, Passwords, legos, pixels, king kong, salt and pepper, tea, and coffee Well I have a full complement of hands once more. typing is a joy, well at least for now....