OOh YEaahh! Coffee!

OOh YEaahh! Coffee!

A little Kool Aid homage never hurt anyone, and the image of the red glass decanter bursting through the wall into a suprised rooms is very well known. While this shirt is awesome, it would have been epic if the pot was bursting into… say a starbucks…...
The Happiest Place in Middle Earth

The Happiest Place in Middle Earth

   I already posted this on Tumblr, but i couldn’t not put something else out there on this one. I love Lord of The Rings, it is seriously the yardstick against which I measure all works of fiction, and sadly most come up far short. But this mashup is a...
Wardriving Made Easy

Wardriving Made Easy

A simple enough hack but ingenious. Take one part Wifi Detecting shirt from Thinkgeek, subtract fabric with scissors. Add in your car and shake and bake till it looks awesome. I’m not sure announcing your intent to go wardriving is the best practice considering...