CaffiNation 314: Thundersnow

CaffiNation 314: Thundersnow

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show:   Weather, Lego, Silly Putty, Coffee, Kindle 2, Retro, Steampunk, Geneva Convention, Yerba Mate, Popcorn, Weddings, and Cancer This show has some absolutely great content from pressing issues on...
CaffiNation 314: Thundersnow

CaffiNation 311: Productivity

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show:   TOS, facebook, PirateBay, Privacy, Passwords, legos, pixels, king kong, salt and pepper, tea, and coffee Well I have a full complement of hands once more. typing is a joy, well at least for now....