Zelda Day is here

Zelda Day is here

A day that I wish I could go and celebrate with the hundreds of other fans. Zelda Day is here to be celebrated on Saturday, July 23.  Taking a day to enjoy the lifestyle and music of Hyrule, with beer and drinks theme. Unfortunately, it is in Rio de Janeiro. So if you...
Zelda Playing Cards

Zelda Playing Cards

There have been plenty of wonderful game mashups through the years. Mario Chess, Zelda Chess, The Minibosses whole catalog of music, but i have never seen a more perfect example of how to mash two differernt things together than this. The Zelda playing cards...
CaffiNation 488: Eclipse

CaffiNation 488: Eclipse

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow do you Catch a rabbit? This week we have a a goodly bit of content to send your direction. The Numbers are in and we have Duke Nukem Liftoff The Winner is announced. But Fret not if you didn’t win you can...
And the Grammy goes to…

And the Grammy goes to…

For 53 years, The Grammy Awards have shown the appreciation of everything in the music industry. They give awards to all different kinds of music, ranging from Rock and Pop, to Gospel and Polka. However, one category that has not been recognized is the music in video...
Caffination 477: Bringing it

Caffination 477: Bringing it

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSPlaying it fast and loose with technology and coffee news Every once in a while I get a bit down in the dumps about the site, or about the feedback. It didn’t last long this time. I had a friend start asking me...