LED “Hello My Name Is” Name Tag Kit!

LED “Hello My Name Is” Name Tag Kit!

The time of the year for fun little projects. Enter the  LED “Hello My Name Is” Name Tag Kit.From the fine folks at MAKE. Quick little kit allows for you to put up to 5 characters, make them, pulse, flash or fade in and out. A simple kit perfect for any...
We ain’t dead yet

We ain’t dead yet

Stupid Mayans, Imagine making a cylyndrical calendar, and long after you forget to flip the stone page some other goofball comes around and thinks the world is going to end because he can’t read your handwriting? Yeah thats about as close as we are to not...
Zelda Wedding Bands

Zelda Wedding Bands

How cool is this? finally meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and they happen to be a gamer too? It is dangerous to go alone, perhaps a partner in crime might be the right choice! Reddit contributor, Zsolt Szekely  a crafter of fine  jewelry...
Hobbit Moleskine Notebooks

Hobbit Moleskine Notebooks

I am a huge Tolkien Nerd / Geek. I’ve probably read the Hobbit about 30 times, and Lord of the Rings about 25. I’ve read the Silmarillion about 5 or 6 and read my kids Roverandom at night to try and get them hooked on the Master early. Seriously though...
3D-Printed Aston Martin Stars in Skyfall

3D-Printed Aston Martin Stars in Skyfall

When you plan on blowing up a nice looking car, you would hope Hollywood would take a step back and consider if it was worth it.  And when that nice looking car is an  extremely  rare Aston Marton DB 5, you think they would take more than a step back. Possibly even...