
Been a fun week of running between family functions. But the spice must flow

How do you manage your time when the family comes calling? I try my best to make everyone happy, sometimes it works sometimes it  doesn’t. The same goes for podcasts. Sometimes I have all the time in the world to find unbelievable and  awesome  content. other times when things get crazy in work / and at home I rely on the winds of the internet to  bring  the awesome to me. This is one such show.

I know I say things are usually crazy in work, and they are. But we ratchet stuff up several octaves this time every year. So I hunker down, do what I can to make  everyone  happy. And try my best not to take any issues home with me. Stress is a contagious thing, and feeling the level of stress in the students around finals always leads to anxious moments. Still haven’t been able to shake the cold but at least Batman is gone and my voice is 90% back.

What to Expect for today’s show. Today we have a quick rundown of the things that popped up this past week. A good deal of food  related  stuff came out in association with Easter, we had one passover story but mysteriously the story was taken down before our article was written. We hit up Peeps, Easter, Robots, PSN, and venture into the world disgusting food ideas

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Food and Caffeinated Bits:

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From the Chief Bean @ The CaffiNation Podcast
“High Octane Caffeine Culture & Technology News”
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The CaffiNation is a Puzzle Piece Production