Cold breed coffee is big business right now. There are different flavors, roast levels and additives like milk. Since I’m lactose intolerant I won’t be going over the creamy beverages.

Stok cold brew makes a wide variety of different cold coffee beverages. Today I’m taking a look at the extra bold flavor. Still black coffee, just a darker bolder roast. With just a barely there hint of chocolate. The roast profiles really come through on this drink as with most dark roast coffee the flavor is all about the roast and less about the blend of beans used to create it. I usually like a nice medium roast where the origin of the beans shines through.
But this beverage with the trademark un-sweet flavor makes the journey that much sweeter. I don’t know how they do it without adding in any sweeteners but the blend holds up even under a darker roast.

While not my favorite color coffee the extra bold does get the job done in spectacular fashion and is great by itself or over ice.

So if you’re in the mood for a darker roast in your iced coffee with no real acidity give this beverage a try.