by Steve Robbins | GameRoom, News
It has been over 3 weeks since PSN was attacked, with over 77 million user information being comprimised. They planned on having the system back up this week. However, Sony is now apologizing, asking for more time. What makes things worse, is the fact that they are...
by Paul Muller | Show News
Hello formerly loyal listeners of the CaffiNation Podcast, I hope you’re still out there. So By now you may have noticed we missed two shows in a row… this is bad… very very bad. And something i can’t remember having done in a very long time. I...
by Paul Muller | Show News
Hello All, I hope your holidays are going well and the season is treating you right, So far things have been going quite swimmingly however I seemed to have come down with a head cold. Deep in the throws of no small amount of Sneezing, coughing and feeling like i do i...
by Paul Muller | Show News
Greetings, Returning home from work today i had every intenton of starting the show right on time at roughly 10PM. However my body had other plans for me, and i think i should listen. I wasn’t feeling 100% all day something seemed just a bit off, without getting...