NHL12 has girls

NHL12 has girls

When I  first heard about EA Games bringing females hockey players to NHL 12, I  immediately  thought of Jimmy Dugan from ‘A League of Their Own’, “I don’t have ball players, I’ve got girls!” This will be a start of something new to...
Retro Handheld Games

Retro Handheld Games

Before the days of Nintendo DS, but after Gameboy, handheld electronic games such as those by Tiger, were the weapon of choice for kids wanting their Paperboy, Baseball, Zelda and everything else fix. Albeit with limited graphics. Multiple cell animations would allow...
CaffiNation 327: NewB Mistake

CaffiNation 327: NewB Mistake

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show:   NewB, Tech Questions, Reviews, Teeth, Fruit Snacks, fungus, archiving, Baseball, tetris, furniture, bandaids, legos, ice cream, coffee Sponsor: Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special...
CaffiNation 327: NewB Mistake

CaffiNation 277: 15 Years

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show: Sports, Baseball, Twitter,Lego, Green Tech, Costumes, Coffee, April Fools —- Sponsored by GoToMeeting, Online Meetings Made Easy Try it FREE for 30 days! visit...