Origami Cthulhu

Origami Cthulhu

The artist who designs and produced this unbelievable piece posted a fragment of the Call of Cthulu, which i will leave with you with. “Of the six men who never reached the ship, he thinks two perished of pure fright in that accursed instant. The Thing cannot be...

At the Mountains of Madness

We talk a lot about Cthulu here at the CaffiNation. One because its a semi common geek story. Geeks like to feel special, like they are privy to secret knowledge no one else has, and they also tend to be rabid fans of things. From Cthulu having a starring role in...
H.P. Lovecraft made Aquaman cool

H.P. Lovecraft made Aquaman cool

  How does a horror / terror writer make a superhero, who has struggled with his self image, cool? Well  Aqua-man  is lord of all Denizens of the deep right… There just happens to be a special place in the world for out of this world horrors, called...