CaffiNation 545: Rebuild and Reset

CaffiNation 545: Rebuild and Reset

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWhy was there no show last week? What are we doing about the world around us? How many questions can I fit into a single paragraph? Is anyone even listening?  The answers my friends are blowing in the wind. And not...
Life Size Mousetrap

Life Size Mousetrap

Learn about kinetics, the art of making things go. This traveling road show is looking for the funding to bring a larger than life scale model  of  the game Mousetrap to a town near you. While I think this is pretty incredible I’m not sure if the attraction of a...
TiGr by John Loughlin Bike lock for the future

TiGr by John Loughlin Bike lock for the future

Cycling as both a hobby and a way to get somewhere in a dense urban area have  experienced  a  renaissance  of late. Could it be gas prices? Could ti be a focus on greener healthy living, or is it just practicality winning out over a cramped environment and everything...
Kickstarter Have project will travel

Kickstarter Have project will travel

Kickstarter is a place where awesome ideas find willing backers. If you choose to fund a thing, your money only gets taken if the project reaches an agreed upon level. I love this idea, it gives you the ability to play shark tank, benefactor and godsend all in one...