CaffiNation 469: Coffee Break

CaffiNation 469: Coffee Break

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSCoffee… get some! Since January 20th is the National Coffee Break, and this is a coffee related podcast we are going to dedicate this whole episode to coffee and coffee tech! I am going to be featuring people...
CaffiNation 420: Lil Help

CaffiNation 420: Lil Help

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSGet Your Numerical Chuckles out of the way early So whats in a number? Nothing on this particular show, we’re trying to get by with a little help from our friends. The forced cancelation of the last episode due...
CaffiNation 420: Lil Help

CaffiNation 383: Regrets

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSo Sleep is  apparently  a necessary  function after all… Its been a very busy weekend as we rush to get the house done finally. We’re almost there which is why i haven’t been online, and i’m...