Pirate Firepit

Pirate Firepit

Some men make firepits out of stone and metal. Some men cook their meat on a grill powered by dead dinosaurs. Other men LIVE! I have no information other than the obvious awesome nature of this creation. Yo ho ho and a bottle of SAUCE! Let’s hoist the Meat and...
BBQ Branding Iron

BBQ Branding Iron

Nothing ruins a good grill off like stolen meat. We can all now thank ThinkGeek for making available a meat naming tool. this isn’t like the other brands you have seen, you know for cows, or whatnot. this is the letter press of meat brands… Meatpress?...
Meat Tea Cup

Meat Tea Cup

    I’m not sure if i have too much to say about this… Its a Meat teacup… I’ll just leave this hear and you can consider it. Overall i do have to say the structure is  fantastic  and it actually looks like it could hold some serious...
CaffiNation 451: Beauty

CaffiNation 451: Beauty

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe’re all here because we’re not all there tonight! By the By that line above is from an Aerosmith song, It just fits me right about now so I’m sticking with it. Things are moving along as they tend...