Portal 2 Lemon Grenade Mug

Portal 2 Lemon Grenade Mug

Holy  Hand Grenades Batman! Cave Johnson would be proud! It’s only $19.99. And I guess if you throw it, this will explode. No fire though, unless it’s filled with hot coffee. ThinkGeek :: Portal 2 Lemon Grenade Mug.
Buckyballs goes Cube.

Buckyballs goes Cube.

When I found Buckyballs, a bunch of pebble sized balls made from rare earth magnets, it wasn’t long before I had to get it. And when I did, I had nothing but fun for weeks. And I still have fun to this day. Recently, the company who sells Buckyballs have brought...
Rubik’s Cube Mug

Rubik’s Cube Mug

Its a mug shaped like the toy you could never beat. Let’s be honest ifyou were really good you would have the solved cube sitting there next to a  normal  mug… I’d like to see a mixed up version for those of us who couldn’t beat the system....
CaffiNation 386: Wooo

CaffiNation 386: Wooo

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSVoice should be back and we have some fun news appetizers I hope we’re setting the table for the feast that lay ahead of many of our listeners. And hey if you’re not in the US there’s no reaso you...
April Fun Throw Down

April Fun Throw Down

By the Time this has been posted April Fools day will be almost over in the US, and take with it a bevy of silly and awesome pranks. I decided to give you a quick run down of the awesomeness that was, and tell a quick tale of my own. I’ll post in bold any Rick...