Xbox TV

Xbox TV

As each year goes by, all the gadgets and gizmos get smaller and smaller. And more and more start to become obsolete. You would never think that the cable box could disappear. Well, think again. The wonderful folks over at Microsoft has showed us that the process of...
CaffiNation 411: Info and Antics

CaffiNation 411: Info and Antics

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSCrazy Gadgets and fun announcements, Free Coffee Too! Today is a fun day.  February  is always a weird month its over far too quick, you think some of the months with 31 days could spare a day here and there, make a...
Bubble Wrap TV

Bubble Wrap TV

Wave of the future or messy addiction? This gizmo uses a shortwave radio reciever to create what they dub very slow scan TV. The machines is a Canvas of ink filled bubble wrap. It is able to create 1 frame of Video per day. At 24 frames per second you can make a 30...
CaffiNation 300

CaffiNation 300

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSInsert your own Gerald Butler joke here… THIS… IS… CAFFINATION… Today’s Show: Looking Back, History, Contests, Giveaways, wookies, star wars, TV, Cookies, Coffee, Audacity, Zombies,...