Siri – Then and Now

Siri is the new Apple personal  assistant, voice recognition app. It can do so many things, and apparently one of them is comedy! Part of the challenge of designing software that reacts to people in real language is dealing with unexpected input. This isn’t a...
Google TV plus Ubuntu

Google TV plus Ubuntu

I have a wonderful little setup at home, a Ubuntu Media Server running Boxee in the basement, makes the  experience  watching tv a wonderful thing. Views all my movies, TV online and a ton of fun other little features. But one thing was missing. My Google TV was cut...
The passing of a giant

The passing of a giant

Steve Jobs died on October 5th 2011, at the age of 56. The news of which broke not an hour before we started to record our podcast. PodCast… As much as disagree with the association between iPods and podcasts, it’s there. And no amount of Portable on...

Tracking you online

According the the EFF, Elctronic Freedom Foundation the House Judiciary committee just promoted and recommended HR 1981, which would require all internet service providers to keep a record of All traffic data for 12 months on each customer. Let me break this down for...
Hey there, Dollface

Hey there, Dollface

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to see yourself as a doll, now you have that chance. CloneFactory, based in Japan, is giving people the  opportunity to create a doll resembling the customer.  After a digital composite, the company is able to make the...
Light bulb burning for 110 years.

Light bulb burning for 110 years.

Normal lightbulbs usually last for about 1 year, or 2500 hours, depending on how much you use the light. How about a lightbulb that has lasted 110 years. In Livermore, California, A Firehouse has a lightbulb that’s been burning since 1901. Made by The Shelby...