CaffiNation 368: Full

CaffiNation 368: Full

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSo much to do, but deadlines disappear Sponsor: Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer visit — This past weekend has been awesome. we’re getting things...
CaffiNation 302: Just plain Crazy

CaffiNation 302: Just plain Crazy

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show: Hospitals, Caffeine, Hallucinations, Color, Star Trek, Laundry, Halo, Astronauts, silk worms, DC, AC, Caffeinated, Coffee, Economy, fun I slacked off in putting the show together in a timely...
Go Team Coffee

Go Team Coffee

Alright this is silly, but that is the point… Over on Twitter there was a strange missive put out by @ZeFrank concerning his allegiance to the blue team. Hearkening back to his days of summer camp and frolicking through the tulips no doubt. It took me, and quite...