CaffiNation 558: Tangled up

CaffiNation 558: Tangled up

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSI chose ‘Tangled Up’ for the title of tonight’s episode because our schedules have been just that. It doesn’t mean the show has to stop though! The way our schedule has been going I would...
CaffiNation 553: Death of a legend

CaffiNation 553: Death of a legend

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThis started out as a very different show. And then a Legend passed away. Stan “The Man” Lee, co-father of the Marvel universe died at the age of 95 this past Monday. I tried to do honor to the man in a...
CaffiNation 543: Super Fakery

CaffiNation 543: Super Fakery

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWhat do we cover? What can you expect out of the CaffiNation podcast? Well, tonight I’m going to explain a little about what that is and how we do. On tonight’s episode, we have tasty vittles and...
Ron Perlman dons Hellboy persona for a special kid

Ron Perlman dons Hellboy persona for a special kid

Hellboy is an awesome character, but it turns out that Ron Perlman is an even  more  awesome person. wiorking with the Make-A-Wish foundation the wonderful team at Spectral Motion and Ron consipred to give a kid an  unbelievable  wish come true.  As his wish a little...