Star Wars R2-D2 Xbox 360

Mark Bongo,owner of Major League Mods and  Xbox modder extrodinaire has come up with another winner. This time giving the  business  to R2D2. This one of a kind unit comes complete with a projector, Aux inputs and a heavy dose of awesome. Where do the controllers go?...
CaffiNation 465: Scatter Brained

CaffiNation 465: Scatter Brained

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSInto every roast a little chaff must fly So School is winding down, the work is ramping up and things are busier than ever due to the holiday season. here’s hoping you are taking a couple of minutes to stop and...
CaffiNation 465: Scatter Brained

CaffiNation 455 Say What?

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSpeak up a little I can’t HEAR YOU! Just to remind you, Podcamp Philly is October 2 and 3 at Temple  University. Beyond that a lot has happened but mostly work stuff. Very boring to the outside world. Mighty...
CaffiNation 465: Scatter Brained

CaffiNation 434: Taste

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSBack To Basics, Taste Nipped in the Bud Tonight’s  show is a throwback of sorts, when I first started this show it was only 15 minutes long, and at one point the content and the babble ballooned up to over an...
Geeks and Their Crafty Ways: DMTC 219

Geeks and Their Crafty Ways: DMTC 219

Geeks are by nature curious. And besides killing the cat curiosity also leads to carpentry, dissections and general mayhem. But with mayhem also comes a bevy of awesome and insightful articles all falling in some way under Geek crafts. From Papercraft, to steampunk to...