CaffiNation 544: Space Adventure

CaffiNation 544: Space Adventure

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSOn tonight’s episode, we have a selection of only the finest Science and tech-friendly stories. We visit the outer reaches of human’s grasp. We explore what it will be like as we attempt to touch the sun,...
Caffination 452: Borked

Caffination 452: Borked

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIt’s time to play the music It’s time to light the lights The Students are back, Podcamp Philly is in a month, and everything is going at lightspeed. Good thing I had plenty of coffee in the house. But...
The Origin of Science Fiction 100 years later

The Origin of Science Fiction 100 years later

One Hundred years ago, today, Science Fiction film was born with the debut of Le Voyage dans la lune, or “A Trip to the Moon” by Georges. The special effects are mighty innovative for their time and the story is a loose amalgam of two popular books From...
Caffination 452: Borked

Caffination 438: Prep

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSA lot of prep involved in making the Show and The Lair ready Things are getting crazy around the homestead. We have a lot of things to do, but half the fun in life is getting there. Also I’ve been  playing...