NHL12 has girls

NHL12 has girls

When I  first heard about EA Games bringing females hockey players to NHL 12, I  immediately  thought of Jimmy Dugan from ‘A League of Their Own’, “I don’t have ball players, I’ve got girls!” This will be a start of something new to...
CaffiNation 450: Bright Side

CaffiNation 450: Bright Side

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe’re all here because we’re not all there tonight! Finding the time is not getting easier per say, but rather working with less time and less planned time is getting a bit smoother. I’m guessing i...
CaffiNation 450: Bright Side

CaffiNation 279: Scared

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show: Sports, Politics, Opinion, and Freedom, Apple, Firewire, Steampunk, Tetris —- Sponsored by GoToMeeting, Online Meetings Made Easy Try it FREE for 30 days! visit...
CaffiNation 450: Bright Side

CaffiNation 277: 15 Years

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s Show: Sports, Baseball, Twitter,Lego, Green Tech, Costumes, Coffee, April Fools —- Sponsored by GoToMeeting, Online Meetings Made Easy Try it FREE for 30 days! visit...